Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thing #8 Make life "real simple" with RSS and a newsreader

Follow the discovery resources above to learn more about RSS and newsreaders.Create a free online Bloglines account for yourself and subscribe to at least 10 newsfeeds to your reader. DONE!
Create link to the Spokane Public Library 2.0 blog by typing the blog URL (spokpl20.blogspot.com)into the subscribe field in Bloglines. DONE!
Then try adding a few other types of news feeds from news sources! Done!
Create a post in your blog about this exercise. Very easy to do.
Optional: If you're up to the challenge, you can provide the URL address to your public bloglines account. DONE you can see the link on my blog.
Don’t know what to blog about? Think about these questions:
What do you like about RSS and newsreaders? Still not really sure what I think about them.
How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life? I unfortunately do not see a big use for them at work, as the computer boxes we have are fairly slow, and the monitors not up to the video or audio feeds. I also do not have the time to sit around at work and use these features. At home I am not very likely to use it as I am usually doing personal email, letters, photo projects and that is about it. I will on occasion play a quick web game. I have been on the computer most of the day and prefer to not spend a lot of time on it at home.
How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology? Possibly to alert customers to any policy changes - like number of items they can check out or alert them to programs and story times.

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